Thursday, November 4, 2010


Hey everyone! Sorry it's been so long since I've updated but I have been a little bit busy. Well lets sum up for the week or so i've missed. Nothing has happened. I have been up and down with the detox, which I am not proud of. But I am back on track and running strong. I ended up growing some good lookin wheat grass and been using my marine phytoplankton everyday. 

The marine phytoplankton is some crazy stuff. I used to put it in a cup with some water and then down it, but now I am putting the drops directly on my tongue and its such a difference. I have this instant energy after a couple of drops. I wish I could see what it was doing to the inside of my body. 

I'm not sure if I had said this before but I do understand and realize that the best way to eat is 100% vegan. I completely believe it is the healthiest way to live your life. I am not saying I will never be 100% vegan, but for now I'm doing like 85% raw vegan and 15% will include animal products. At least until I can phase it out. I would really love to be vegan one day but until then I am slowly making my way.

I had a bomb dinner tonight. Italian themed. I ate some organic pesto tortillini with marinara sauce, a romaine salad with homemade vinegerette, and for desert some mango strawberry sorbet. My meal was about 60% raw vegan and 40% cooked. 

I made the vinaigrette with white wine vinegar, olive oil, dijon mustard, garlic, oregano, salt, and pepper. It was actually AMAZING. Making your own homemade dressing is so fresh and so much tastier than a store bought dressing. I got the tortellini at Trader Joe's and it is just a pesto inside. My meal was really good. After this meal, I had an amazing mango strawberry sorbet!!

 I started with some frozen mango, strawberry, and a couple of black berries. I added some agave nectar to this for a little bit of sweetness and blended these together.
It was so great. Very tasted and fresh. I love ice cream and this is a perfect way to get that type of desert in. AND only 109 calories. Perfect. :) Till next time...